





  1. 开头:简单问候,如“Good morning, everyone.”

  2. 自我介绍:介绍姓名、年龄、学校等基本信息。

  3. 主题内容:围绕一个主题展开,内容要贴近小学三年级学生的生活和认知水平,可以是介绍家庭、朋友、学校生活、兴趣爱好等。

  4. 结尾:简短总结,表示感谢或发出邀请。


范例一:My School Life

Good morning, everyone. My name is Li Hua. I am 9 years old and I study in Grade 3.

My school life is very happy. I like going to school because I can learn a lot of interesting things. I have many friends at school. We play together and learn together.

Every day, we have different classes. I like math and English best. Math is fun because I like solving problems. English is interesting because I can learn about different cultures.

After class, we often play sports or do some activities. It’s great fun!

I love my school life. I hope everyone can enjoy their school life too. Thank you!

范例二:My Favorite Hobby

Good morning, everyone. My name is Zhang Lei. I am in Grade 3.

My favorite hobby is drawing. I like to draw because it’s very creative and fun. I can draw anything I imagine, like beautiful flowers, cute animals, or even my dream house.

When I draw, I feel very happy and relaxed. Sometimes, I draw with my friends and we show our drawings to each other. It’s really exciting to see what we have created.

Drawing helps me express my feelings and thoughts. I hope to be a great artist when I grow up. Thank you for listening to me.

范例三:My Family

Good morning, everyone. My name is Wang Xiao. I am in Grade 3.

Today, I want to talk about my family. My family has three members: my dad, my mom, and me.

My dad is a teacher. He teaches math. He is very strict with me, but I know it’s because he wants me to be a good student.

My mom is a doctor. She helps sick people get better. She is very kind and cares a lot about me.

I love my family very much. We often go out for picnics or watch movies together. I feel very happy and lucky to have such a wonderful family.

Thank you for listening to me.

范例四:My Dream

Good morning, everyone. My name is Liu Yang. I am 8 years old and I am in Grade 3.

Today, I want to talk about my dream. My dream is to be a scientist.

I like science very much. I often read books about science and do experiments at home. I want to invent something special that can help people. For example, I want to invent a machine that can clean the air and make our world more beautiful.

To achieve my dream, I need to study hard and learn more about science. I believe as long as I work hard, my dream will come true.

Thank you for listening to my dream. I hope everyone can have their own dreams and work hard to make them come true.


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