





  1. 标题:简洁明了的英文标题,如“My Favorite Hobby”或“My Dream”。

  2. 开场白:简单介绍自己,如“Hello, everyone. My name is…”

  3. 正文:围绕主题展开,内容要简单易懂,可以使用简单的句型和词汇。

  4. 结尾:简短总结,表示感谢或提出希望。


范例一:My Favorite Hobby

Hello, everyone. My name is Tom. Today I want to talk about my favorite hobby, which is drawing.

I like drawing because it can help me express my thoughts and feelings. When I am happy, I draw beautiful flowers and sunny days. When I am sad, I draw rainy days and crying faces. Drawing is like a magic pen for me.

I usually draw in my free time. Sometimes I draw with my friends, and we share our drawings with each other. It’s really fun!

Drawing makes me happy and brings me many friends. I hope everyone can find their own hobbies and enjoy them. Thank you!

范例二:My Family

Hello, everyone. I’m Lily. Today I’m going to talk about my family.

My family has three members: my dad, my mom, and me. My dad is a teacher. He teaches math. My mom is a nurse. She helps sick people. And I’m a student. I love learning new things.

On weekends, we often go to the park or the zoo together. We have a lot of fun there. My family is very happy and I love them very much.

That’s my family. What about yours? I’m looking forward to hearing about it. Thank you!

范例三:My Dream

Hello, everyone. My name is Peter. Today I want to talk about my dream.

My dream is to be a scientist. I like learning about science very much. I want to invent new things that can help people. For example, I want to invent a machine that can clean the air and make our world more beautiful.

To achieve my dream, I need to study hard and learn more knowledge. I also need to be brave and never give up.

I believe as long as I work hard, my dream will come true. Thank you for listening to me.

范例四:My Favorite Animal

Hello, everyone. My name is Alice. Today I’m going to talk about my favorite animal, the panda.

Pandas are very cute. They have black and white fur and big round eyes. They like to eat bamboo and sleep a lot. Pandas are also very rare, so we should protect them.

I like pandas because they are peaceful and friendly. They remind me of happy times in the zoo with my family.

I hope everyone can love and protect pandas together. They are part of our beautiful world. Thank you for listening to me.


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